Let the buyer beware!

Let the buyer beware!

(Otherwise known as, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”)

I went to the corner gas station today. When I went to pay for some of my purchases, I found, shall we say, a product that gave me a good giggle.

You want a good laugh, you say? OK, you asked for it. The product was called “Daily Hydration Shot.” It was labeled “no sugar, no caffeine.” I looked at the cashier and asked her, “what is it, water?” Her and I looked at the ingredients, and it contained “purified” water, sodium and a variety of trace minerals that are in the tap water you drink. Even the “purified” is a joke. Before tap water gets to you, it is “purified.”

I also had to laugh at some of the other labels. All organic, non-GMO and Gluten-free.

This product was selling for $3.75 for 2 ounces. What do you want to bet that this company is selling ordinary tap water at $1.88 per ounce? If you think about it, since most health professionals recommend you drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day (at 8 ounces per glass), you would need to pay 120 dollars a day for this water.

They refer to a good salesman as one who “can sell ice to Eskimos.” But marketing can be just as deceptive. While I, personally, will not take on products or services that are scams, this product still offers a great lesson in marketing.

You want a marketer that can show your product benefits in the best light. At Christy’s Marketing Solutions, we have the experience and education that allows us to help you convey the advantages and benefits of your products over your competitors.

*Note, I run an honest and ethical marketing business. I do not take on products or services that are scams. Please do not contact me with worthless products or services that are designed to deceive the unsuspecting buyer.”