Content Marketing—Isn’t that the same thing as my website page content?

Content is king marketing illustration

One of the biggest questions my clients have is, “what is content marketing?” While they do feel the content is more effective, it is SEO optimized; they figure that is all that is meant by content marketing.

What exactly is content marketing–a primer

What is the definition of content marketing?

Content marketing is best defined as a marketing strategy, usually digital, whereby content, in the form of useful and relevant information, valuable tools, and/or entertainment is created and disseminated to help drive leads and sales.

Is content marketing the same as inbound marketing?

Not precisely, though they share a lot in common. The best answer would be that content marketing is a subset of inbound marketing. For instance, inbound marketing is a strategy often used both on and offline. Coupons and specials would qualify as inbound marketing but are not typically classed as content marketing.

When is content marketing used?

While certainly your website pages, especially your service and product pages do contain content, usually useful and relevant content, providing content elsewhere helps bring in more leads and sales.

What are some examples of content marketing?

Blog posts, social media posts, E-books, valuable tools, email newsletters can all be utilized for distributing content, so long as they serve up information or provide entertainment that is needed or wanted by your audience.

Does all content marketing need to be search engine optimized?

No. While most content is optimized for search engines; some content is unrealistic to be optimized. For instance, your E-book does not need to be optimized; however, you will want your invitation to download the E-book should be.


Employing a content marketing strategy ia a powerful way to drive leads and sales to your business. While a small business may utilize limited content marketing, effective content marketing for larger businesses often employs the use of a team including marketing strategists copywriters, designers, programmers, social media marketers, email marketers, and website developers. For the best in inbound and content marketing, call Christy’s Marketing Solutions, today!